Our Absolute Goji beats all other so called, 100% goji juice products in quality, value, and TASTE!

Tibetan Goji Berries make real Goji Juice. California Academy of Health's Absolute Goji is made from 100% organic, hand picked, cold pressed Lycium barbarum L (goji). Absolute Goji is just 100% pure, unadulterated goji juice.

The Goji berries in our juice are wild-harvested (hand picked) when at the peak of ripeness. They are then cold pressed and flash pasteurized to preserve their freshness and the natural levels of all bioactive compounds. Our growers personally pick out the best lots of goji before the rest are taken to open market. We pay a little more for our raw product but it s worth it. The use of superior raw ingredients and ethical manufacturing practices creates a synergy of both flavor and healthful qualities, making our Absolute Goji the hands down leader in the marketplace today. Read more here!