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Refrigerated piping for processing the acai puree!


Acai Trip 2007 - Copyright CAOH 2007

Every night is a party here. It's 10:00pm and we are sitting at the most famous Tacacá stand in all of Belem. After this we listened to live music until the wee hours.

Acai Trip 2007 - Copyright CAOH 2007

Tacacá is a soup common to Northern Brazil. It is made with jambú which contains a analgesic compound called spilanthol, and tucupi (a broth made with wild cassava), as well as dry shrimps and very spicy small yellow peppers. It is best served extremely hot and it's eaten with just a toothpick. The jambú helps to numb your mouth and throat making it easier to tolerate the hot peppers.

Acai Trip 2007 - Copyright CAOH 2007

Marahú beach, Mosqueiro Island - Looking out into Marajo Bay

Acai Trip 2007 - Copyright CAOH 2007

That's a river behind us, not an ocean. It's gets 2-4' surf when the wind and tide are right. We are being tough! SURF TEAM CAOH!

Acai Trip 2007 - Copyright CAOH 2007



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