General Information:
Coral Calcium Ultra
Over the centuries coral has been used medicinally to bring about relief from a variety of body problems. Ailments such as arthritis, osteoporosis, musculoskeletal pain, heart palpitations, cancer, high cholesterol, eczema, menstrual cramps, headaches, insomnia, diabetes, kidney stones, and many others. Coral naturally contains a highly absorbable form of all the minerals the body needs. As the coral minerals replenish the overall mineral content of the body, the pH of the body returns to its innate alkaline (high pH) state, thus enhancing the immune system and overall wellness of the individual. Almost all diseases thrive in an acidic (low pH) environment and are inhibited in an alkaline (high pH) environment.
Coral is often thought of as just a great calcium source but in fact it possesses a natural synergy of every mineral the human body needs to thrive. Coral s legendary power is due in large part to it s abundance of trace minerals. Don t get me wrong, the calcium component is very important, but the coral s trace minerals deserve some recognition too. Trace minerals are the catalysts the body uses to initiate complex reactions and it's these reactions that allow the body to stay healthy and fight disease.
Throughout the last century the level of trace minerals in our topsoil has been reduced. This disturbing fact has lead to a worldwide deficiency of these trace minerals in our food and our body. I and many others attribute the ongoing decline in health that our society is experiencing, in large part, to deficiencies of trace minerals. Coral Calcium Ultra with its synergy of vitamins and minerals may truly hold the key to health and well-being. "Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic trace mineral deficiency" Linus Pauling, PhD; two time Nobel Prize winner.
One of Coral Calcium Ultra's benefits is as an acid-alkaline balancer (pH). pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity; the higher the number, the greater degree of alkalinity and the lower the number, the greater degree of acidity. We begin life with most of our body fluids and tissues in a slightly alkaline (high pH) state. The small percentage of us who follow a natural diet and lifestyle are able to maintain an alkaline state and thus stay healthy. The majority of us, though, succumb to the vices of modern society: fast food, alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs, not to mention being exposed to pollution and chronic stress. All of these things lead to an overly acidic system and the predisposition to disease.
The concept of aberrations in the acid-alkaline balance of the body being the prime cause of cancer was validated in 1931 by Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Otto Warburg. Dr. Warburg proved that cancer thrives in an environment that lacks sufficient oxygen. If an acidic system is allowed to persist, the body can become starved of oxygen, and diseases such as cancer can occur. Only minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium can raise and maintain an alkaline (high pH) system. These minerals play a crucial role in alkalizing the body fluids and tissues but only when they are in a form that can be easily absorbed. Coral is a very effective alkalizing agent because the coral minerals are easily absorbed into the body bio-available.
Traditional Uses:
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Musculoskeletal Pain
- Heart Palpitations
- High Cholesterol
- Eczema
- Menstrual Cramps
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Constipation
- And Many Others
Calcium has also been used in alternative treatments for these conditions: Diabetes, Cancer and Kidney Stones.