Same picture as before except a little different angle.

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This is the house of Mr. Lu who tends this field of berries. Property is not owned by the individual completely, the government really controls all of the land in the country. So it's our berries, on Mr. Lu's land until the government wants it all back.

Goji Trip 2007 - Copyright assets/images/GojiGarden/ 2007

Mr. Lu (behind tree) and his nephew, tending to the nets. An interesting note, all of the men we addressed were called by their last name. This may possibly be due to the presumed formal nature of our visit.

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A bamboo mat is used to sun dry the berries. These berries will be separated and graded before they are packaged. An acre of vines may yield as little as 750 kilos of berries or as mush as a metric ton, far less than table grapes.


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More rice paddies.

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