Topical Uses:
Oregano Oil can be used topically but should be diluted first - it's very strong.
- Cuts and Abrasions
- Toothaches & Oral Sores (Cold Sores and Fever Blisters).
- Athlete's Foot
- Ringworm.
- Seborrhea.
- Sunburn.
- Rash or Hives.
- Psoriasis or Eczema.
- Warts.
Oral Uses:
Oregano Oil has a wide range of clinical applications. It's a powerful antimicrobial
that will destroy bacteria and parasites on contact. Oregano Oil also kills yeast,
molds and candida. Because of its superior immune boosting qualities Oregano Oil
is great for international travel where conditions are not like home and extra protection
maybe be helpful (FYI - that goes for our neighbors traveling to the US as well).
- Upper Respiratory Tract Support.
- Lower Lung or Pneumatic Support.
- Sore Throats
- Asthma.
- Inhalant Allergies.
- Low Blood Pressure.
- Stomach Disorders.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
- Diarrhea & Constipation.
- Bladder Disorders.
- Psoriasis & Eczema.
Oregano use dates back to the Caesars,
and as with many folk remedies, modern science has been late to the table starting
research on this incredible plant.
Recent laboratory studies have confirmed the powerful antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties of oregano oil.
Not all oregano varieties or oils are equal. The medicinal effectiveness of the
Origanum Vulgare species is unparalleled. This particular species has a unique balance
of compounds, which work together synergistically. Organically farmed our oregano is free of the chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides
that contaminate conventionally grown crops and would make the essential oils produced
from them toxic.
Essential oil from the oregano plant is produced by steam distillation of the
leaves and flowering tops. Essential oils are highly concentrated volatile oils
consisting of the natural chemicals that are to be found in all plants. Many of
these substances have beneficial effects on the body, mind, and mood.
Oregano oil contains four main groups of chemicals that contribute to its potent
healing powers. Phenols, such as carvacrol and thymol, act as antiseptics and antioxidants,
while terpenes, which include pinene and terpinene, exhibit antiseptic, antiviral,
anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic properties. Linalool and borneol are two long-chain
alcohols found in oregano oil, which add to the antiviral and antiseptic qualities.
Esters are potent antifungal agents. Two that are found in abundance in oregano
oil are linalyl acetate and geranyl acetate.
Although there is a combined effect of the many compounds found in oregano oil,
its effectiveness is largely attributed to its primary ingredient, a phenol named
carvacrol. When lab tested, carvacrol was found to be one of the most potent antibiotics
known to science. In tests done at Georgetown University, it was found to be more
effective than penicillin, streptomycin, and even vancomycin (considered to be the
strongest of all antibiotics). Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, oregano oil does
not create resistant strains of mutant bacteria. It is able to naturally, and effectively,
eliminate any pathogen that is unfortunate enough to cross its path.