Pure Organic Unrefined Extra Virgin Red Raspberry seed Oil - 60 ml
100% PURE UNREFINED ALL NATURAL COLD PRESSED HIGH-QUALITY VIRGIN RASPBERRY SEED OIL Origin: Chili - Rubus idaeus L. Ingredients: Unrefined certified organic red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) seed oil, cold-pressed at temperatures below 116°F Color: DEEP ORANGE Texture: Raspberry seed oil has a light texture with a fairly absorbable consistency Shelf Life: 36 months! FOOD GRADE and COSMETIC GRADE |  |
Antioxidant powerhouse that moisturizes and protects skin from photo-aging. Cold-pressed by Berry Beautiful from sustainably grown, certified organic red raspberry seeds.
- Hydrating, lightweight oil that is quickly absorbed
- Unparalleled protection from free radicals that are the chief cause of premature aging of the skin
- Balances and brightens skin
- Helps repair and reduce inflammation caused by oxidative stressors and skin disorders
- It has been reported that topically applied red raspberry seed oil offers relief to people suffering from eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, rosacea and rashes
- A scientific study found that red raspberry seed oil has an SPF factor of 28-50 (Oomah et al 1600)
- Non-comedogenic, GMO free, cruelty free, vegetarian/vegan.
- Unrefined, no additives, enzymes, chemicals, solvents or process aids of any kind are used in the production of this oil
We cold-press this oil from certified organic red raspberry seeds, which are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and are non-GMO. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids, 33% omega-3 and 52% omega-6, providing excellent nourishment for the skin. The high content of vitamin E and polyphenols found in red raspberry seed oil provides outstanding anti-aging functionality. Red raspberry seed oil’s antioxidants eliminate skin damaging free radicals that are caused by sunlight and other environmental stresses. Red raspberry seed oil is unique among carrier oils in that it forms a nano-lipid layer on the skin, which seals in moisture and disperses and reflects UV radiation. Raspberry seed oil boosts the effectiveness of sunscreens and is especially effective at repairing damage caused by UV radiation that penetrates deeply into the skin.
How to Use: For daily use as a moisturizer and antioxidant. In the morning or evening apply a few drops of oil onto clean skin and massage in. Then apply other skin care products as desired.
Organic farming is a method for raising crops that depends on crop rotation, biological pest control and compost. This approach to farming minimizes the use of various harmful chemicals and focuses on using natural ways to enhance the quality of the soil and the cultivated crops.
The naturally occurring oils found in fruits and vegetables are the best sources of fatty acids for our bodies. Most diets don’t have these fatty acids in sufficient quantities and many people use oils derived from foods with the best fatty-acid content as a supplement. Our Raspberry seed oil is a little-known alternative with some surprising added benefits.
Reduce the signs of aging: Oxidation is one of the prime causes of aging but with raspberry oil, you can minimize its effect and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.
Ellagic acid is the active compound found in raspberry oil that leads the fight against wrinkles. For, as we age, the collagen in our skin becomes damaged, losing its firmness allowing wrinkles to slowly creep in. However, raspberry oil is so rich in antioxidants that it keeps those annoying free radicals from harming the cells in your skin to keep your skin’s collagen tight and firm.
Clear Up Your Skin: Acne is a condition caused by an excess of sebum and dead skin cells blocking the hair follicles in your skin. Sebum is a mix of natural oils and cholesterols that your body produces to maintain healthy skin and hair. However, it is also a food source for the bacteria that cause acne and overproduction of sebum can lead also lead to a build-up of bacteria and infections in the hair follicles. The result is blotchy skin with unsightly pimples and spots which can lead to scarring. With this in mind, you can use raspberry oil as a natural remedy for these signs of acne to open up your pores to clear out the sebum.
These skin-healing properties are largely down to raspberry’s high concentration of Vitamin A and essential fatty acids. The essential fatty acids provide your skin with the elasticity and lubrication it needs to clear out the blocked pores and the Vitamin A regulates how much oil your skin produces.
You’re probably wondering how applying oil fixes a condition caused by having too much oil. The reason for this is in the differences between the oil on acne-prone skin and the oil that you’re applying. The oil that builds up in pores and causes acne is found to be oleic acid. Oleic acid is hard for your skin to get rid of which is why it builds up in your pores and causes breakouts. Linoleic acid is what your skin needs to balance back out and that’s exactly what raspberry oil provides. The fatty acid content in raspberry seed oil is 54% linoleic, 29% linoleic and 11% oleic, a brilliant balance for healthy skin.
Inflammation is a natural bodily process that is needed to aid in healing. However, too much of it does more harm than good. Chronic inflammation is known to cause pain, swelling, and arthritis. Raspberry seed oil is so powerful at reducing inflammation that it is used as an ingredient in several cosmetic products, primarily for its effectiveness at combating eczema and rashes. Indeed, a study conducted on mice showed that regular intake of raspberry seed oil reduced the severity of their inflammatory responses.
Sun-Damage Protection: A study was run where lab-grown human cells were radiated with high levels of UV light. They applied a variety of different compounds to the cells to see which ones would provide the best protection from UV rays and ellagic acid came out on top. The ellagic acid in raspberry oil makes it effective at absorbing both UV-B and UV-C rays with an SPF of up to 50.
Raspberry oil, as such, is the best organic sunscreen that mother nature provides. Indeed, to achieve similar levels of SPF protection, you will have to resort to mineral or chemical sunscreens.
Note: If you are using Raspberry oil as a natural sunscreen, it is best to assume a low SPF when applying as all-natural products vary in their quality and attributes.
Plenty of Carotenoids to Aid in Healing: Carotenoids are known to play a vital role in maintaining healthy skin. As such, they work as antioxidants, promote cell repair and protect skin cells from UV damage. Carotenoids are just one example of the healing compounds found in raspberry seed oil. It also contains plenty of other essential nutrients that promote healing. To get the benefits you just have to apply a little bit on your skin and let your epidermal layer soak in the goodness.
Brilliant Source of Vitamin E: Raspberry seed oil has a high concentration of both alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol dissolved into its fatty acids. These compounds, better known as Vitamin E, are powerful antioxidants that are especially good at clearing out the free radicals that damage skin.
Keeps Your Skin Moist: Raspberry seed oil acts as a natural moisturizer. Instead of artificially adding moisture where it’s not needed (as most moisturizers do), raspberry oil preserves the moisture that your skin already has by preventing it from being lost to the atmosphere. Phytosterols are the compounds in raspberry oil that give it this amazing quality. Furthermore, regularly applying raspberry seed oil will increase your skin’s usual moisture levels for long-term benefits. It is a brilliant remedy for people who suffer from chronic dry skin.
Ketogenic Weight Loss: The idea of taking in fats to help you reduce your body fat confuses some people. This is because they don’t understand how beneficial good fats are. The raspberry seed oil contains a ketone called rheosmin. Ketones are involved in the body’s metabolism and in particular, the breakdown of fat cells. Furthermore, studies in mice have shown that the addition of raspberry ketones can accelerate this process. While one cannot assume that the same effect will apply to humans, it has been speculated that raspberry ketones help the body transition from burning carbs for energy to burning your fat reserves instead. This is especially the case if your body is on a low carb diet as the body struggles to store fat.
Protects Your Hair and Makes it Shine: Raspberry seed oil also packed with folic acid also known as vitamin B. Folic acid is essential for the maintenance of healthy skin and hair and any deficiency can lead to hair loss. A such, the inclusion of raspberry oil in your hair’s treatment can maintain your hair from the root to the tip, adding strength and an illustrious shine.
How to Use Raspberry Seed Oil: How you use raspberry oil depends on where you wish to apply it. To use it on your face, mix a few drops of it into your facial cream and use it twice a day, in the morning and at night. To enjoy the benefits of Raspberry seed oil on your hair, mix it in with your shampoo and lather the mixture onto your scalp just like you normally would. Just don’t ingest it directly.