Vitamin Benefits

What are some of the benefits of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other essential nutrients?

Table of Contents:

Vitamins Minerals Amino Acids Enzymes Ginseng
Ginkgo Biloba Aloe Vera Sea Vegetables (Seaweed) Phytoplankton Chlorella


Vitamin A: Vitamin A aids in the growth and repair of body tissues, which helps maintain smooth, soft, disease-free skin. Internally, it helps protect the mucous membranes of the nose, sinuses, lungs, eyelids, mouth, throat, stomach, intestines (digestive tract), vagina and uterus, thereby reducing susceptibility to infection. This protection also aids the mucous membranes in combating the effects of invasive microorganisms and other harmful particles, including air pollutants. The soft tissues of the kidneys and bladder are also protected. Vitamin A also prompts the secretion of gastric juices necessary for proper digestion of proteins. Other important functions of Vitamin A include the building of strong bones and teeth, the formation of rich blood, reproduction, cell membrane stability and development, immunity and the maintenance of good eyesight. Research shows that beta-carotene helps defend the body against some types of cancer.


Vitamin B Complex: The eight B Vitamins function in many different ways to help enzymes carry out thousands of molecular conversions in the body and are therefore known as coenzymes. All B vitamins are water-soluble substances that can be cultivated from bacteria, yeasts, fungi or molds. The known B-Complex Vitamins are B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxmine), B12 (cobalamin), biotin and folic acid (folate, folacin, pteroylglutamin). The grouping of these compounds, under the term B complex is based upon their common source distribution, their close relationship in vegetables and animal tissues and their functional relationships. The B-Complex Vitamins provide the body with energy by aiding in the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose, which the body "burns" to produce energy. They are also vital in the metabolism of fats and protein. In addition, the B Vitamins are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system and may be its single most important factor for maintenance of the nerves. B Vitamins are essential for maintenance of muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract and for the health of skin, hair, eyes, mouth and liver.


Vitamin C Complex: A primary function of Vitamin C is maintaining collagen, a protein necessary for the formation of connective tissue in skin, ligaments and bones. Vitamin C plays a role in healing wounds and burns because it facilitates the formation of connective tissue in the scar. Cells in the arterial walls need collagen to help them expand and contract with the beats of the heart; it is also needed in the capillaries, which are more fragile. Another major role of Vitamin C is as an antioxidant. Vitamin C also aids in forming red blood cells and preventing hemorrhaging. It has been found that Vitamin C acts as an antihistamine and may be used to reduce the use of the drug form.


Vitamin D: Vitamin D can be acquired either by ingestion or by exposure to sunlight. The pre-vitamin form is known as the "sunshine" vitamin. The pre-vitamin form is found in plant and animal tissue. A unique aspect of Vitamin D is that it functions very much like a hormone and has been referred to as one, as it targets organs like the kidneys and intestines. Other target tissues are the brain, pancreas, skin, bones, reproductive organs and some cancer cells.


Vitamin E: Vitamin E is composed of a group of compound called tocopherols. four forms of tocopherol exists in nature including alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. Vitamin E is necessary for all forms of oxygen-consuming life forms. It is also an antioxidant, which means it opposes oxidation of substances in the body. The B and C Complex are also protected against oxidation when Vitamin E is present in the digestive tract. It has the ability to unite with oxygen and prevent it from being converted into toxic peroxides. This leaves the red blood cells fully supplied with the pure oxygen that the blood carries to the heart and other organs. Vitamin E is not only an antioxidant, it plays an essential role in cellular respiration of all muscles, especially cardiac and skeletal. Vitamin E makes it possible for these muscles and their nerves to function with less oxygen, thereby increasing their endurance and stamina. It also causes dilation of the blood vessels, permitting a fuller flow of blood to the heart. Vitamin E is a highly effective anti-thrombin in the bloodstream, inhibiting coagulation of blood by preventing clots from forming. Vitamin E stimulates urine excretion, which helps heart patients whose body tissues contain an excessive amount of tissue fluid (edema). As a diuretic, Vitamin E helps lower elevated blood pressure. It protects against the damaging effects of many environmental poisons in the air, water and food, and it protects the lungs and other tissues from damage by polluted air.


Calcium: Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and the fifth most abundant substance. About 99% is deposited in the bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is involved in the soft tissues, intracellular fluids and blood. The major function of Calcium is to act in cooperation with phosphorus to build and maintain bones and teeth. Another important function is the storage of the mineral in the bones for use by the body. The Calcium state of the bones is constantly fluctuating according to the diet and to the body's needs. The 1% of ionized Calcium that circulates in the fluids of the body is small, but vital, to life. It is essential for healthy blood and eases insomnia and its delicate messenger ions help regulate the heartbeat. Along with Calcium, magnesium is needed to properly maintain the cardiovascular system. In addition, Calcium assists in the process of blood clotting and helps prevent the accumulation of too much acid or too much alkali in the blood. It also plays a part in secretion of hormones. It affects neurotransmitters (serotonin, acetylcholine and norepinephrine), nerve transmission, muscle growth and muscle contraction. The mineral acts as a messenger from the cell surface to the inside of the cell and helps regulate the passage of nutrients in and out of the cell walls.

Calcium may be beneficial for the following ailments: Anemia, Diabetes, Hemophilia, Pernicious anemia, Backache, Fracture, Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis, Rickets, Colitis, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Epilepsy, Finger tremors, Insomnia, Irritability, Mental illness, Nervousness, Parkinson's Disease, Meniere's Syndrome, Cataracts, Headache, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, High LDL levels, Cancer of the large intestine, Celiac Disease, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Worms, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Nephritis, Muscle cramps, Allergies, Common cold, Tuberculosis, Tetany, Nail problems, Acne, Bee and Spider bites, Sunburn, Stomach ulcers, Brittle teeth, Cavities, Pyorrhea, Tooth and Gum disorders, Aging Fever, Overweight, Obesity, and Toxicity.

Magnesium: Magnesium is an essential mineral that accounts for about 0.05% of the body's total weight. Magnesium is involved in many essential metabolic processes. Most is found inside the cell, where it activates enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids. By countering the stimulative effect of calcium, magnesium plays an important role in neuromuscular contractions. It also helps regulate the acid-alkaline balance in the body. Magnesium helps promote absorption and metabolism of other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. It also helps utilize the B Complex and Vitamins C and E in the body. It aids during bone growth and is necessary for proper functioning of the muscles including those of the heart.

Magnesium may be beneficial for the following ailments: Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerois, High cholesterol level, Diabetes, Hypertension, High LDL cholesterol, Fracture, Osteoporosis, Rickets, Colitis, Diarrhea, Depression, Epilepsy, Mental illness, Multiple Sclerosis, Nervousness, Neuritis, Neuromuscular Disorders, Noise Sensitivity, Parkinson's Disease, Tantrums, Hand Tremors, Coronary thrombosis, Ischemic heart disease, Celiac Disease, Arthritis, Kidney Stones, Oxalate stones, Leg cramps, Muscle weakness, Muscular excitability, Neuromuscular disorders, Weakness, Psoriasis, Decay, Vomiting, Alcoholism, Backache, Convulsions, Delirium, Epilepsy, Kwashiorkor, Overweight, Obesity, PMS, and Polio.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the body and is found in every cell. The balance of calcium and phosphorus is needed for them to be effectively used by the body. Phosphorus plays a part in almost every chemical reaction within the body because it is present in every cell. It is important in the utilization of carbohydrates, fats and protein for growth, maintenance and repair and mediation, both within and without the cells, and for the production of energy. It stimulates muscle contractions, including the regular contractions of the heart muscle. Niacin and riboflavin cannot be digested unless phosphorus is present. Phosphorus is an essential part of nucleoproteins, which are responsible for cell division and reproduction. Phosphorus helps prevent the accumulation of too much acid or too much alkali in the blood, assist in the passage of substances through the cell walls and promote the secretion of glandular hormones. It's also needed for healthy nerves and efficient mental activity. B-Complex Vitamins and many enzymes require phosphorus to function.

Phosphorus may be beneficial for the following ailments: Fractures, Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis, Rickets, Stunted growth, Colitis, Mental illness, Mental stress, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Stone arthritic conditions, Leg cramps, Tooth and gum disorders, Alcoholism, Backache, Cancer prevention, Pregnancy and Stress.

Potassium: Potassium is an essential mineral found mainly in the intracellular fluid (98%), where it is the primary positive ion force. Potassium constitutes 5% of the total mineral content of the body. Potassium and sodium help regulate water balance within the body, that is, they help regulate the distribution of fluids on either side of the cell walls and preserve proper alkalinity of the body fluids. Potassium also regulates the transfer of nutrients to the cells. Potassium unites with phosphorus to send oxygen to the brain and also functions with calcium in the regulation of neuromuscular activity. The synthesis of muscle protein and protein from the amino acids in the blood requires potassium. Protein and carbohydrate metabolism are dependent upon potassium. It stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes. Potassium works with sodium to help normalize the heartbeat.

Potassium may be beneficial for the following ailments: Angina, Pectoris, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypoglycemia, Hypoglycemia, Mononucleosis, Stroke, Fracture, Colitis, Diarrhea, Alcoholism, Insomnia, Poor reflexes, Polio, Fever, Headache, Congestive heart failure, Myocardial infarction, Constipation, Worms, Arthritis, Gout, Allergies, Impaired muscle activity, Muscular Dystrophy, Rheumatism, Sterility, Acne, Burns, Dermatitis, Colic Gastroenteritis, Tooth and Gum disorders, Cancer, Impaired growth and Stress.

Trace Minerals:

  • Boron: Reduces Calcium loss from bones.

  • Cesium: Enters cancel cells and produces alkaline condition, causing cancer cells to die.

  • Chloride: Is an essential mineral occurring in the body mainly in compound form with sodium or potassium.

  • Chromium: This mineral is now being recognized as important in carbohydrate metabolism. Organic chromium is an active ingredient of a substance called GTF (glucose tolerance factor); niacin and amino acids complete the formula. Chromium stimulates the activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucose for energy and the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol. It appears to increase the effectiveness of insulin and its ability to handle glucose, preventing hypoglycemia or diabetes.

  • Cobalt: Is an essential mineral and is an integral part of Vitamin B12. Cobalt acts as a substitute for manganese in activating a number of enzymes in the body. It replaces zinc in some enzymes and activates others as well. It is necessary for normal functioning and maintenance of red blood cells, as well as all other body cells. It is present in ocean and sea vegetation, but is lacking in almost all land grown, green foods.

  • Copper: Is found in all body tissues. During growth, the largest concentrations occur in the developing tissues. It is also one of the most important blood antioxidants and prevents the rancidity of polyunsaturated fatty acids and helps the cell membranes remain healthy.

  • Fluorine: In its active form, fluoride, it is present in the soil, water, plants and all animal tissue. Minute amounts are found in nearly every human tissue, especially in the skeleton and teeth.

  • Gallium: May reduce brain cancers.

  • Germanium: Highly efficient electrical initiator; aids in oxygen utilization; enhances immune system function.

  • Gold: May reduce active joint inflammation.

  • Iodine: Is a trace mineral, most of which is converted into iodide in the body. It aids in the development and functioning of the thyroid gland and is an integral part of the thyroxine, a principal hormone produced by the thyroid gland. Iodine plays an important role in regulating the body's production of energy, promotes growth and development and stimulates the rate of metabolism, helping the body burn excess fat. Mentality, speech and the condition of hair, nails, skin and teeth are dependent upon a well functioning thyroid gland.

  • Iron: Is a mineral concentrate in the blood, which is present in every living cell. It is the mineral that is found in the largest amounts in the blood. It is involved in respiration by being the main carrier vehicle for getting oxygen to all the cells in the body. It is essential to the oxidation of fatty acids.

  • Lanthanum: May reduce chronic fatigue diseases.

  • Lithium: Plays a key role in eliminating clinical depression.

  • Manganese: Plays an important role, as an antioxidant, in the prevention of toxic oxygen forms. It may play a part in the degenerative process called aging. It also plays a role in activating numerous enzymes that are necessary for utilization of choline, biotin, thiamine and Vitamin C complex. It is a catalyst in the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol and mucopolysaccharides.

  • Molybdenum: It is found in practically all plant and animal tissues, but very scarcely in the earth itself. The final stages of making urine are aided by molybdenum, which also helps promote normal cell function.

  • Nickel: Is an essential trace mineral found in the body. Human and animal tests show that nickel may be a factor in hormone, lipid and membrane metabolism and cell membrane integrity. Significant amounts are found in DNA and RNA and nickel may act as a stabilizer of these nucleic acids.

  • Selenium: Is an essential mineral found in minute amounts in the body. It is one of the essential body substances that can be used in a preventive manner for many diseases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, stroke, cirrhosis, arthritis and emphysema. Selenium functions either alone or with enzymes. It is a natural antioxidant that protects against free radicals and appears to preserve elasticity of tissue that becomes less elastic with aging. All diseases that are associated with aging are affected by the workings of Selenium.

  • Silicon: Present in the tissues of skin, fingernails, bones, lungs, trachea, lymph nodes, tendons and aorta. The lungs have highest concentration because of their exposure to the air.

  • Silver: Kills over 650 disease causing organisms; systemic disinfectant and immune support; subdues inflammation and promotes healing; anti-bacterial; anti-viral; anti-fungal.

  • Sodium: Is an essential mineral that is found in every cell in the body, but predominantly in the extracellular fluids, the vascular fluids (blood pH) within the blood vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries, and the intestinal fluids surrounding the cells. It functions with

  • Potassium to equalize the acid-alkali factor in the blood. Along with potassium, it helps regulate water balance within the body and it helps regulate the distribution of fluids on either side of the cell walls.

  • Strontium: Can replace Calcium in many organisms including man; essential trace element.

  • Sulfur: Important mineral used in several amino acids with the body; involved in functions of hemoglobin, insulin hormone, adrenal hormones, enzymes and antibodies.

  • Tin: Animal studies show deficiencies cause poor growth and poor feeding, hearing loss and male pattern baldness. May have cancer prevention properties.

  • Vanadium: Aids in glucose (blood sugar) oxidation and transport. Enhances insulin effectiveness (aids with blood sugar problems), decreases cholesterol production, increases effectiveness of heart muscle contraction, and has Anti-Cancer properties.

  • Zinc: Is an essential trace mineral occurring in the body in larger amounts than any other trace element except iron. It is present in all tissues. Zinc is known for its ability to fight disease and to protect the immune system. It is involved in the Krebs cycle and energy production. More recently, blindness in the elderly has been found to be arrested by zinc. It is also credited with increasing male sex drive and potency because of its ability to regulate testosterone in the prostate.

  • Note: Currently there are no known functions in the human body utilizing these minerals: Barium, Bismuth, Bromine, Cadmium, Cerium, Indium, Iridium, Niobium, Osmium, Palladium, Platinum, Rhodium, Rubidium, Tellurium, Titanium, Tungsten, Uranium, Zirconium.

Amino Acids:

Amino acids are more plentiful than any other substance in the body, next to water. They are one of the most important elements for the maintenance of good health and vitality and are of primary importance in the growth and development of all body components. All the tissues, bones and nerves are made up mostly of Amino Acids. They are the major source of building material for muscles, blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs, including the heart and the brain.

Essential Amino Acids:

  • Arginine: Metabolizes body fat and tones muscle, increases sperm count in males, aids in the healing of wounds and has been shown to retard the growth of tumors and cancer.

  • Isoleucine: Needed for hemoglobin formation and also stabilizes and regulates blood sugar levels.

  • Leucine: Promotes the healing of bones, skin and muscles and is recommended for those recovering from surgery. This amino acid aids in increasing growth hormone production.

  • Lysine: Improves concentration and mental alertness. Utilizes fatty acids required in energy production. It also helps to control herpes simplex outbreaks.

  • Methionine: Is a powerful antioxidant. It is a good source of sulfur, which deactivates dangerous free radicals in the body. Also, helps in the breakdown of fats and helps reduce edema.

  • Phenylalanine: Enhances sexual interest, improves memory and alertness. Very useful in alleviating symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and is a very strong anti-depressant.

  • Threonine: Helps to maintain the proper protein balance in the body. It enhances the immune system by aiding in the production of antibodies. It also helps the liver function more efficiently.

  • Tyrosine: Regulates moods and combats depression. It suppresses the appetite and helps reduce body fat. Very successful in combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Narcolepsy.

  • Valine: Needed for muscle metabolism, tissue repair and the maintenance of proper nitrogen balance in the body. The muscles use it as a primary energy source.

Non-Essential Amino Acids:

  • Alanine: Aids in the metabolism of glucose, a simple carbohydrate that the body uses for energy.

  • Aspartic Acid: Improves stamina and endurance, increases resistance to fatigue, and helps protect the central nervous system. Low levels of this amino acid results in chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Cystine: Helps to detoxify the system, aids in protection from smoke, alcohol and heavy metals. It also helps protect the body against X-rays and nuclear radiation.

  • Glutamic Acid: Is the main neurotransmitter of the brain and spinal cord. Helps correct personality disorders and depression. It is also used in the treatment of epilepsy and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

  • Glycine: Retards muscle degeneration, relieves fastric hyperactivity and has been successfully used in the treatment of manic (bipolar) depression and can also help diminish hyperactivity.

  • Proline: Improves skin texture by aiding in the production of collagen and reducing wrinkles associated with aging. Also helps in the healing of cartilage, joints and tendons.

  • Serine: Aids in the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies that enables a healthy immune system. It is used as a moisturizing agent in many cosmetics and skin care preparations.


Enzymes are involved in every life process in the body. They are an essential component in stamina, energy level, and ability to utilize vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, as well as contributing to the immune system's ability to protect our health. A secret to staying young and healthy, enzymes work on a digestive level and metabolically (throughout the body). Lack of enzymes contributes to disease and chronic degenerative conditions. With assimilation impaired, absorption of putrefying matter can occur throughout the body. Thus, an unhealthy body lacks resistance to germs, which proliferate in this environment. Working on all pH levels (2.5-9), these enzymes affect the length and quality of life by breaking down old cellular mucous and toxins, then expelling it from the organism. Inflammation can be reduced, while immune system activity is increased. Enzymes are essential for digesting food, stimulating the brain, providing cellular energy and repairing all tissues, organs and cells. Each enzyme has a specific function in the body that no other enzyme can fulfill. Some enzymes assist the cells in various organs and tissues to create and manufacture the hormones necessary for body function, such as corticosteriods from the adrenal cortex, growth hormones from the pituitary gland and androgens from the testes. The enzymes found in sea vegetation also aid in the binding withdrawal and removal of numerous toxic chemicals and residues, which have accumulated in our bodies. Without enzymes the body would never utilize the food we ingest.

Ginseng Root:

Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb and one of the most popular healing herbs used today throughout the world. It is the most widely recognized plant used in traditional medicine. Various forms of Ginseng have been used in medicine for more than 7000 years. Several species grow around the world, and though some are preferred for specific benefits, all are considered to have similar properties as an effective general rejuvenator.

The name panax is derived from the Greek word panacea meaning, "all healing" and the benefits of Ginseng are recognized as such. Ginseng is commonly used as an adaptogen, meaning it normalizes physical functioning depending on what the individual needs (for example, it will lower high blood pressure, but raise low blood pressure). It is also used to reduce the effects of stress, improve performance, boost energy levels, enhance memory, and stimulate the immune system. Oriental medicine has deemed Ginseng a necessary element in all their best prescriptions, and regards it as a prevention and a cure. It is said to remove both mental and bodily fatigue, cure pulmonary complaints, dissolve tumors, and reduce the effects of aging.

Ginseng is native to China, Russia, North Korea, Japan, and some areas of North America. It was first cultivated in the United States in the late 1800's. Along with being difficult to grow, it takes 4 to 6 years to become mature enough to harvest. The roots are called Jin-chen, meaning "like a man," in reference to their resemblance to the shape of the human body. Native North Americans considered it one of their most sacred herbs and add it to many herbal formulas to make them more potent. The amazing fact is that the roots can live for over 100 years.

Ginseng contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, and the mineral Zinc, which aids in the production of thymic hormones (necessary for the functioning of the defense system). The main active ingredients of Ginseng are the more than 25 saponin triterpenoid glycosides called "ginsenosides". These steroid-like ingredients provide the adaptogenic properties that enable Ginseng to balance and counter the effects of stress. The glycosides appear to act on the adrenal glands, helping to prevent adrenal hypertrophy and excessive corticosteroid production in response to physical, chemical, or biological stress.

Studies done in China show that ginsenosides also increase protein synthesis and activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. Ginseng is used to restore memory, enhance concentration, and cognitive abilities, which may be impaired by improper blood supply to the brain. It also helps to maintain excellent body functions. The Siberian Ginseng has been shown to increase energy, stamina, and help the body resist viral infections and environmental toxins. Other research has shown specific effects that support the central nervous system, liver function, lung function, and circulatory system as well. Men have used the herb to improve sexual function and remedy impotence. Along with this, Ginseng is believed to increase estrogen levels in women and is used to treat menopausal symptoms. It also helps with diabetes, radiation and chemotherapy protection, colds, chest problems, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.

Ginkgo Biloba:

The Ginkgo Biloba is the oldest living tree species. Chinese monks are credited with keeping the tree in existence, as a sacred herb. It was first brought to Europe in the 1700's and is now a commonly prescribed drug in France and Germany. Not to mention, one of the most well-researched herbs in the world. Ginkgo Biloba effectively improves circulation of the blood, partly by suppressing the action of a substance called the platelet-activating factor. It helps in enhancing blood circulation throughout the body, including erectile tissues in men. This herb is commonly used to increase cerebral blood flow, dilate capillary in the limbs, soften blood vessels, maintain normal blood circulation, and improve memory.

Because of its positive effects on the vascular system, especially in the cerebellum, Ginkgo is gaining recognition as a brain tonic that enhances memory. It is also used as a treatment for vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and a variety of neurological disorders and circulation problems. Ginkgo may help to counteract the effects of aging, including mental fatigue and lack of energy. It works by increasing blood flow to the brain and throughout the body's network of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems, thus it increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters, and boosts oxygen levels in the brain which uses 20% of the body's oxygen. Benefits of enhanced circulation in the brain include improved short and long-term memory, increased reaction time, and improved mental clarity. Ginkgo is often used to treat elderly persons with Alzheimer's and other symptoms of cerebral insufficiency. Cerebral insufficiency is a general term for a collection of symptoms that include difficulties of concentration and memory, absentmindedness, confusion, lack of energy, depressive mood, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, and headache.

Ginkgo has two groups of active substances, flavonoids and terpene lactones, including ginkgolides A, B, and C, bilobalide, quercetin, and kaempferol. The ginkgolides have been shown to control allergic inflammation, anaphylactic shock, and asthma. Ginkgo also acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals that are believed to contribute to premature aging and dementia. Antioxidants also protect the eyes, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. It may also help control the transformation of cholesterol to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries, and can relax constricted blood vessels.

The herb has been used in treatment of other circulation-related disorders such as diabetic peripheral vascular disease, Raynaud's syndrome, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. It can also aid in the treatment of insufficient circulation and complications from stroke and skull injuries. Ginkgo's beneficial effects on the circulatory system can aid in the treatment of eye and ear disorders. Studies have confirmed that Ginkgo increases blood flow to the retina, and can slow retinal deterioration resulting in an increase of visual acuity. In clinical tests, Ginkgo has improved hearing loss in the elderly. It also improves circulation in the extremities relieving cold hands and feet, swelling in the limbs, and chronic arterial blockage. Among other things, Ginkgo is being investigated as a potential treatment to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs, as a treatment for asthma, and for toxic shock syndrome.

Aloe Vera:


Aloe is a perennial succulent native to East and South Africa. It is cultivated in the West Indies and other tropical countries. The tissue in the center of the Aloe leaf contains a gel that yields Aloe gel or Aloe Vera gel. This is the part of the leaf actually responsible for the plant's healing properties. When applied externally, Aloe Vera restores skin tissues and may aid in the healing of burns and sores. It can also be used on blemishes and dandruff. When used cosmetically, Aloe Vera softens the skin. Aloe Vera is also taken internally for stomach disorders. Dried Aloe latex, a substance derived from the leaf, is a strong laxative. Physicians have used Aloe for x-ray burns, sunburn, chemical burns, first degree burns, traumatized tissue, decibitus ulcers or bedsores, skin inflammation, stomach ulcers, herpes simplex, periodontal surgery, insect bites and stings, irritating plant stings, and other minor skin manifestations. Aloe has shown outstanding results in treating facial edema (swelling). When used as a mouth rinse, it was effective for cold spores and lockjaw.

Some of the other health applications people use Aloe Vera for are as follows: amenorrhea, asthma, inflamed or diseased breasts, burns, bursitis, colds, colic, conjunctivitis, constipation, coughs, dys-menorrhea, dysentery with bloody stools, ear infections, eye problems, fat and sugar metabolism, fever, gonorrhea, heart pain, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, herpes, infant pneumonia, insomnia, worms, jaundice, kidney disorders, enlarged liver, menopause, rheumatism, skin inflammations, skin rashes, sores, sore throat, enlarged spleen, toothache, TB and other lung diseases, tumors, chronic ulcers, vaginitis, and venereal diseases.

Sea Vegetables (Seaweed)

Click here to read more about Seaweed:

Reported Benefits of Seaweed:

abrasions allergies arthritis
artherosclerosis autoimmune diseases backaches
bladder infections boils bowel disorders
burns cancer chronic fatigue
circulation (weak) colds and flu
colon disease
congestion constipation depression
diabetes earaches eye inflammations
fever fibromyalgia gingivitis
headaches heart disease herpes (cold sores)
hypertension high cholesterol hyperactivity
hypoglycemia hypothyroid immune dysfunction
indigestion Insomnia liver disorders
menstrual cramps mood disorders mouth sores
obesity pain parasites
peritonitis prostate disease rashes
respiratory infection sinusitis skin disorders
sore throats strep infections stroke
tumors ulcers wounds
yeast infections


Click here to learn more about the nutritional benefits of phytoplankton.


Chlorella is a super-super green food - click here to read more.